Get Your Free Downloadable Copy of “Protect Your Family from Multiple Sclerosis”!!Plus Get Two Additional MS Booklets. All For Free! Don’t Want To Read Them Online? Get Hard Copies Shipped Right To Your Door. For Free!!
I recently found this website, Direct-MS, which is the homepage for a charity started in 1998 by families affected by multiple sclerosis. This grassroots charity has two goals the first of which is to” provide dependable, science-based information on the role that nutritional factors play in MS in order to who are affected by MS to make an informed decision on whether or not to use dietary strategies for managing the disease and for preventing it in close relatives.” The second goal the charity works to accomplish is to fund scientific research that properly tests the effectiveness of dietary strategies for slowing or halting MS progression and for preventing it in the first place.
Part of what makes this charity so special, and partly why I am supporting it in this blog, is that it is 100% operated by volunteers which means that there is very low overhead, this allows for 99% of the funds raised from donations and events they host to go straight towards funding scientific research and providing information on nutrition and MS. Additionally Direct-MS often provides information that is not available from most other MS related charities which typically focus on drug related therapies. I believe that nutrition plays a large role in MS as well as many other diseases. It is refreshing to see a charity pursuing this type of research and providing alternative methods for treating MS. If you feel as strong as I do about alternative treatments then I encourage you to visit Direct-MS and make a donation. Please be assured this is not an advertisement for this website nor is it an affiliate program, I am supporting this site because of the service it provides and the good they are doing.
Below are your THREE FREE eBooklets.
Booklet #1 Take Control of Multiple Sclerosis
Booklet #2 Protect Your Family from Multiple Sclerosis
Booklet # 3 Multiple Sclerosis: The Alberta Disadvantage
Or Click Here To Order Your Free Hard Copy!
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